President Immunity Targets the Transgenders
It has been such a week. (I'm not referring to the SR22 crash, or the F35 crash, or the H60-CRJ crash, or the LR55 crash).
The Trump Administration has moved swiftly to target negative public attention on transgender people, and the way the federal government interacts with the topic. Because on any given topic, it's the Federal Govt and the DoD that are the biggest customers; no other single entity spends so much money.
After the DCA midair, the names of two of the helo crewmembers were released and the third's name was withheld for two days. Speculation immediately began on the MAGA-sphere that they were withholding the name because crewmember-three was transgender. Not true, but the fires burn bright.
The President released an Executive Order specifying there are only two genders are they are not malleable; you're either a person who is conceived to make the "big cells" (eggs) or to make the "little cells" (sperm). It's laughable that this is their definition of gender. It's criminal that they seize upon the fetal development at conception, because we're all conceived female and then some become male.
Let's make it worse for a moment: let's extend that understanding and explain, Jesus was conceived as a female. That lights some people up.
Then another executive order called for examining every federal program and curtailing anything inconcistent with the new conceived as male/female understanding.
Government webpages dealing with transgender issues are taken down.
LGBT pages become LGB pages.
This is a master stroke.
Instead of targeting ALL of the LGBT people, some of who have court decisions supporting their causes, Team-R splits of the T from the LGBT. Divide and conquer, and then turn attention to gay marriage (Obergfell) and other peversions.
All records and even scientific studies that mention transgender are scrubbed with the offending words removed.
George Orwell predicted it all. The reduction of available language into euphemism and then nonsense, the meaning lost in the vagueness, the inability of discourse to even grapple with topics because the government won't speak that language anymore; and if you speak the forbidden terms, you are NewSpeak non-compliant and we're going to have to examine your funding.
Then moving swiftly, the Administration started a trade was with Canada, Mexico, and China. Unbelievable, which is why it's effective.
It's hard to know how to fight these bastards. I don't see Chuck Shumer or Hakeem Jeffries stepping up. There is a survival impulse to leave, hoping to get into a similar situation as the last Jews to flee Germany. I don't want to leave; I am an American. But displacement and distraction is the goal of the change makers.
Much os these steps are illegal, in the previous understanding of a nation of laws. Fortunately, last year the Supreme Court declared a President is immune from prosection while acting in official capacity, and knowing that - what can anybody do to Trump? He is omnipotent, a disturbed person with unlimited agency and non-existing accountability.
Martin Neimoller described it all in 1946 with his "First they came for the Jews"
In our time, first they came for the Browns and the Undocumented.
Then they came for the Trans.
Eventually, they'll come for birth control and the rest of the list of promises.
To be sure, they promised all this activity before the election. Remarkably, more people voted for the promises than voted against it. Part of my persistent naivete is: my compatriots voted for this.