Bags & Baggage : Two Places, Multiple Persona
I live in two places, mainly. There's a BigCity and a SmallTown. Occassionally, I'm at a sibling's house. The last two years I've been bouncing around.
Usually, gripes about multiple places to rest your head are focused on the management of privilege; the beach house, the country house, the Euro villa. During COVID, it seems like every NY'er had Another Place.
I usually travel with three bags, shown above. The left bag is meds, which for me is a significant amount of stuff. The second bag is briefcase: laptops, power cords, a few books. The right bag, the duffel bag, is everything else: clothes, underwear, a sweater, maybe a change of footwear. A ditty bag, a cosmetic kit.
When I can expect to be in a place for a while, like: possibly a month!, I have other bags for personas. There's Cyclist Me, which involves helmets and tools, clothes, and other gear. There's Camping Me, which involves five smaller bags (panniers) with Food/Fire, Tools, Shelter, and Clothes/ first aid/ toiletries. There's Gender Me
I am often juggling what I want to be (girlmode v. boymode, to use a binary that Eddie Izzard coined, and what I want to do, and sometimes I've got the wrong stuff in the wrong place. This is a first-world problem; this is a living out of a car problem; this is a problem of figuring out who I am.
I am fortunate to keep a bicycle in both places.