Bisexual and Not Alternating MonoSexualities

BiSexuality is a curious topic that people have Feelings about. I was recently pleased to read Dee's three posts: I Am Bisexual , Bisexuality: Six Experiences , and The Bisexual Experience . I'm really impressed at her communication skills and the breadth of her writing. I think she represents the cohort, the community, well. I had a discussion with a very good friend who was perplexed at a bisexual's ' fluidity ', the ease with which they switch from heterosexual to homosexual and back again. I thought, here's an opportunity to step up and R epresent. I'm not an evangelist, not a recruiter, just another person with a slice of my own experience and some understanding of the community. I suggested that a BiSexual was NOT a person who was homosexual for a while, and then later heterosexual for a while, in some repeated sequence. I said, homo's and hetero's are both monosexuals , and bisexuality isn't being Mono. Bisexuality is more of: n...