Bisexual Visibility Day

Sept.23 is recognized as Bisexual Visibility Day, aka Celebrate Bisexuality Day. About ten years ago, when I was less aware than I am now, I heard about Bi Visibility Day and I thought, why do their bicycle lights need to be brighter than anybody else's? And I meant it. What a maroon. So, the flag has a myth and a practical story. The story goes: There's people that like girls (pink), there's people that like boys (blue), and there's people that like boys and girls (purple). And that's me, I'm the purple in the flag. What's interesting in the flag symbolism is that the Pink represents both men who like women and women who like women; the Blue represents both women who like men and men who like men. These curious alliances are groups that align according to their desires along the structure of the gender binary; you either like boys or girls, not both. Pick a column; no substitutions. We have come to call these friend...