Meds: Klonopin vs Xanax

I've had a prescription for Xanax for anxiety for about two years; 1mg pills, as needed, up to four times a day. It's never really done much for me. One pill produces no discernable change. Two does chill me out.
The story goes that most of the news stories about erratic airline passengers causing flights to deviate are mostly nervous flyers to take a Xanax and then forget about it and take a drink on board.
So basically, the Xanax was not helpful / effective for me
I've just switched to Klonopin, 1mg pills, as needed, up to four times a day. WOW. Big difference. I can see why there's warnings about this stuff being habit-forming. I felt more relaxed, even more myself, than I have in several years.
Nothing is lower fidelity than the internet. IANAD. This article asserts that Xanax is not quite as strong as Klonopin. Klonopin is cheaper (in fact, free with my health insurance).