Hiding Behind God by Sean D. Hamill

A really powerful piece from the Post Gazette, Hiding Behind God, on three young victims of Priest Anthony Cipolla. Story by Sean D. Hamill, visuals by Andrew Rush. Kudos to all.

Parenthetically, this follows on the NYTimes format of "Snow Fall" and is a parallax site, which is increasingly being used by newspapers to demonstrate the capabilities of a web-intermediated news presentation.

Hiding Behind God

The PG's article is a terrible story told very well and the video of the victim/survivor walking through the scene of the crime was compelling.

I appreciate Mr. Bendig's use of the word "rape" rather than "abuse", I think it's the most concise term that doesn't lapse into euphemism.

More from the PG: Names of Priests Redacted from Grand Jury Report. I am glad to live in a country where the accused and the minority have rights. I'd have rather had the names published. I really appreciated Attorney General Shapiro's facebook post exhorting the various dioceses to release the names themselves, consistent with their recent professions of transparency. Shapiro is a good AG.