Trans Movie: WIll and Harper

Watched the movie, Will and Harper , on Netflix. I almost typed Netscape, that's how old I am. This is a great show and a great treatment of trans issues - by which I mean, exposing trans reality and trans issues to the cis audience. It is certainly a buddy movie and a road trip movie , in the vein of The Road to Morocco , but this went far beyond those tropes. And it's a movie , which is by definition an artificial story told with intent and agenda (a-gender?), but this was a pretty good one. It seemed balanced; it displayed the social ugliness they encountered in some spots, and on social media. It rang true. It is a very feelings-oriented movie, but it manages to do that without feeling cloying. We need a Bechdel Test for movies with trans characters. This one passes with honors; it has a trans woman, playing a trans woman, and the actor is playing themselves in a semi-documentary format. To sum it up, this movie hits much better than for instance Lil...