a new horizon of coming out

A long time between posts. I've been on HRT for 15 months now. It feels really good. Euphoric would apply. Today I came out to my friend B. They were so cool. A little but not surprised, a little bit surprised. They were excellent. I've been out with my team - my psychiatrist, my psychologist, my doctor, my endocrinologist, my cardiologist. I really have some doctors. I'm out to my daughter fully, and to my son conceptually but he's quite a distance away, we haven't seen each other face-to-face in almost a year. I will see him within the month. I live in a small town. 700 residents in the summer, 350 across the winter. Some winter in Florida, some go to Pittsburgh. It's a seasonal tourist town - three restaurants in season, one year-round. It's not a leading-edge place; it's a Christian, conservative, red-voter, Fox News town. A lot of guns. Very nice people, but they vote for some quirky politics. I have not been out widely in the town. I h...