Interview with an Investigator

Months ago, I called the Diocese to report my abuse by the priest. They told me that somebody would get in touch with me. Somebody else called back, and I gave them a lengthy statement over the phone. This week, an investigator was sent to my house (with my permission) to interview me about my accusation. I think I kept my composure in the days leading up to the interview, but I was definitely a bit nervous. The investigator, a retired police detective, was very professional. He led the interview, asked follow-up questions, and drilled down for details. He asked about a lot of things using a very direct word set, nothing left to euphemism. I had prepared some timelines, and some documents that attested to my being in certain places at certain times. He took copies of everything. He wasn't confrontational. He was thorough and effective, and when we were done I felt like I'd been through a wringer but I also felt I'd been treated fairly. I hope my report makes it into t...