A Weekend at my Priest's Country Home

Trigger Warnings: priest, rape, catholic, altar boy click here to go away . I was invited, along with three other altar boys in my grade, to a weekend in the country at a house that my priest had. I didn't want to go but my parents had accepted on my behalf; it was all set up. I was all set up. He had a big car, a Lincoln or a Cadillac. Priests took vows of poverty, but their families could supply them with cars and second homes. I now see it as: there were all sorts of workarounds for their inconvenient constraints. We departed Brooklyn NY with the priest and four altar boys in the car. It was my first time outside of the city, my first time on a trip without my parents, my first time Upstate in the country. Brooklyn was the kind of place where most things were paved. There were parks and highways that had green spaces and some trees, but no really wild nature areas. My mother was a big fan of the Brooklyn Botanical Gardens but I was indifferent to...